
Thanks to Reviewers

E. Aagaard,E. Abbo, W. Abdu, Ronald T. Ackermann, David Adler,Aimee Afable-Munsuz, Patience Agborbesong, Aref Agheli, Joseph V. Agostini, P. Agre, Frank Ahern, S. Ahmady, Erin Aiello, Margarita Alegria, Richard Alexander,I. Alexandraki,Daniel Alford, Yousaf Ali, Elizabeth Allen, Hugo Alvarez, Marie Ancelin, Gerard F. Anderson, Lynda Anderson, Daren R. Anderson, Elena Andresen, J. Ansell, J. Apalara, C. Apaloo, T. Arayssi, S.S.R. Armenian, J. Armstrong,P. Aronowitz, Hossam Ashour, Cheryl Aspy,K. Aung, M. Aurón-Gómez, P. Aveyard,S. Babbott, Sara Bachman, A. Baernstein,L. Manwell,C. Baigent, J. Bailit, H. Bailit, Matthew J. Bair, David W. Baker, D. Ball, David Bard,E. Bargmann, Randy K Barker, G. Barnas, Steven G. Barnett, J. Barrett, Deborah Baruch-Bienen,P. Bass,David Bates, Ahmad Batrash, J. Batsis, Heidi Bauer,K. Baum,M. Beach, Dilip Bearelly,Mary Beattie, J. Beck,Shawn M. Bediako, D. Bekelman, Ralph R. Bell, D. Bender, F. Benedetti, Ian M. Bennett, Charles Bennett, Carla J. Berg, Barbara Berger, L. Berland, D. Berlowitz, E. Berner, Dennis Bertram, Joseph Betancourt, S. Bezruchka, Surya P. Bhatt, J. Bickel, G. Bierer, A. Bitton,Janice Blanchard, Carlos Blanco, J. Blondin, H. Bloomfield, A. Blue, Thomas Bodenheimer, Edward R. Bollard, M. Bonner, K. Boockvar, R. Boonyasai, S. Boren, S. Borowsky, S. Borrero, L. E. Boulware, R. Bourne, C. Bova, B. Biesecker, Elizabeth Bradley, D. Brauner, M. Brennan, J. Brewster, L. Brickner, B. Briesacher, Helena Britt

Journal of General Internal Medicine(2019)

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P eer-reviewed journals exist as an information medium, a forum for scientific discussion, and a tool for medical education. The Journal of General Internal Medicine receives more than 1,100 manuscripts per year, and almost half are reviewed by reviewers who selflessly give their time to JGIM and their profession. During 2009, the 996 reviewers listed below provided JGIM with 1,307 reviews, with a mean quality score (as judged by JGIM’s Deputy Editors) of 4 on a 1–6 Likert scale. Of the 996 reviewers, 250 provided more than one review, and 33 provided three or more. We are deeply grateful to our colleagues for providing JGIM with this critically important service. Without our reviewers’ generous donation of their time, energy, and talents, managing the Journal would be impossible.
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