
Flavor-Specific Inclusive B Decays to Charm CLEO Collaboration

T. E. Coan,V. Fadeyev,I. Korolkov,Y. Maravin,I. Narsky,V. Shelkov,J. Staeck,R. Stroynowski,I. Volobouev,J. Ye,M. Artuso,F. Azfar,A. Efimov,M. Goldberg,D. He,S. Kopp,G. C. Moneti,R. Mountain,S. Schuh,T. Skwarnicki,S. Stone,G. Viehhauser,X. Xing,J. Bartelt,S. E. Csorna,V. Jain,K. W. McLean, S. Marka,R. Godang,K. Kinoshita,I. C. Lai,P. Pomianowski,S. Schrenk,G. Bonvicini,D. Cinabro,R. Greene,L. P. Perera,G. J. Zhou,B. Barish, M. Chadha, S. Chan,G. Eigen, J. S. Miller,C. O’Grady,M. Schmidtler,J. Urheim,A. J. Weinstein,F. Würthwein,D. W. Bliss,G. Masek,H. P. Paar,S. Prell,V. Sharma,D. M. Asner,J. Gronberg,T. S. Hill,D. J. Lange,R. J. Morrison,H. N. Nelson,T. K. Nelson,J. D. Richman,D. Roberts,A. Ryd,M. S. Witherell,R. Balest,B. H. Behrens,W. T. Ford,H. Park,J. Roy,J. G. Smith,J. P. Alexander,C. Bebek,B. E. Berger,K. Berkelman,K. Bloom,V. Boisvert,D. G. Cassel,H. A. Cho,D. S. Crowcroft,M. Dickson,S. von Dombrowski,P. S. Drell,K. M. Ecklund,R. Ehrlich,A. D. Foland,P. Gaidarev,L. Gibbons, B. Gittelman,S. W. Gray,D. L. Hartill,B. K. Heltsley,P. I. Hopman,J. Kandaswamy,P. C. Kim,D. L. Kreinick,T. Lee,Y. Liu,N. B. Mistry,C. R. Ng,E. Nordberg,M. Ogg,J. R. Patterson,D. Peterson,D. Riley,A. Soffer,B. Valant-Spaight,C. Ward,M. Athanas,P. Avery,C. D. Jones,M. Lohner,C. Prescott,J. Yelton,J. Zheng,G. Brandenburg,R. A. Briere,A. Ershov, Y. S. Gao,D. Y.-J. Kim,R. Wilson,H. Yamamoto,T. E. Browder,Y. Li,J. L. Rodriguez,T. Bergfeld,B. I. Eisenstein,J. Ernst,G. E. Gladding,G. D. Gollin,R. M. Hans,E. Johnson,I. Karliner,M. A. Marsh,M. Palmer,M. Selen,J. J. Thaler,K. W. Edwards,A. Bellerive,R. Janicek,D. B. MacFarlane,P. M. Patel,A. J. Sadoff,R. Ammar,P. Baringer,A. Bean,D. Besson,D. Coppage,C. Darling, R. Davis,S. Kotov,I. Kravchenko,N. Kwak,L. Zhou,S. Anderson,Y. Kubota,S. J. Lee,J. J. O’Neill,S. Patton,R. Poling,T. Riehle,A. Smith,M. S. Alam,S. B. Athar,Z. Ling,A. H. Mahmood,H. Severini,S. Timm,F. Wappler,A. Anastassov,J. E. Duboscq,D. Fujino,K. K. Gan,T. Hart,K. Honscheid,H. Kagan,R. Kass,J. Lee, M. B. Spencer,M. Sung,A. Undrus,R. Wanke,A. Wolf,M. M. Zoeller,B. Nemati,S. J. Richichi,W. R. Ross,P. Skubic,M. Bishai,J. W. Hinson,N. Menon,D. H. Miller,E. I. Shibata,I. P. J. Shipsey,M. Yurko,S. Glenn,S. D. Johnson,Y. Kwon,S. Roberts,E. H. Thorndike,C. P. Jessop,K. Lingel,H. Marsiske,M. L. Perl,V. Savinov,D. Ugolini,R. Wang,X. Zhou


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We have measured the branching fractions for B → D̄X, B → DX, and B → D̄X`+ν, where “B” is an average over B0 and B+, “D” is a sum over D0 and D+, and “D̄” is a sum over D̄0 and D. From these results and some previously measured branching fractions, we obtain B(b → cc̄s) = (21.9 ± 3.7)%, B(b → sg) < 6.8% @ 90% c.l, and B(D0 → K−π+) = (3.69 ± 0.20)%. Implications for the “B semileptonic decay problem” (measured branching fraction being below theoretical expectations) are discussed. The increase in the value of B(b → cc̄s) due to B → DX eliminates 40% of the discrepancy. PACS numbers: 13.25Hw, 14.40.Nd SLAC-PUB-9832
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