
The C-Terminus and Third Cytoplasmic Loop Cooperatively Activate Mouse Melanopsin Phototransduction

Biophysical journal(2020)

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Melanopsin, an atypical vertebrate visual pigment, mediates non-image-forming light responses including circadian photoentrainment and pupillary light reflexes and contrast detection for image formation. Melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells are characterized by sluggish activation and deactivation of their light responses. The molecular determinants of mouse melanopsin's deactivation have been characterized (i.e., C-terminal phosphorylation and beta-arrestin binding), but a detailed analysis of melanopsin's activation is lacking. We propose that an extended third cytoplasmic loop is adjacent to the proximal C-terminal region of mouse melanopsin in the inactive conformation, which is stabilized by the ionic interaction of these two regions. This model is supported by site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of melanopsin, the results of which suggests a high degree of steric freedom at the third cytoplasmic loop, which is increased upon C-terminus truncation, supporting the idea that these two regions are close in three-dimensional space in wild-type melanopsin. To test for a functionally critical C-terminal conformation, calcium imaging of melanopsin mutants including a proximal C-terminus truncation (at residue 365) and proline mutation of this proximal region (H377P, L380P, Y382P) delayed melanopsin's activation rate. Mutation of all potential phosphorylation sites, including a highly conserved tyrosine residue (Y382), into alanines also delayed the activation rate. A comparison of mouse melanopsin with armadillo melanopsin- which has substitutions of various potential phosphorylation sites and a substitution of the conserved tyrosine-indicates that substitution of these potential phosphorylation sites and the tyrosine residue result in dramatically slower activation kinetics, a finding that also supports the role of phosphorylation in signaling activation. We therefore propose that melanopsin's C-terminus is proximal to intracellular loop 3, and C-terminal phosphorylation permits the ionic interaction between these two regions, thus forming a stable structural conformation that is critical for initiating G-protein signaling.
third cytoplasmic loop,mouse,c-terminus
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