Growth and Carbohydrate Dynamic of Perennial Ryegrass Seedlings During PEG-simulated Drought and Subsequent Recovery.

Plant physiology and biochemistry(2020)

Cited 22|Views8
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Due to the increasing occurrence of drought events, drought recovery has become equally important as drought resistance for long-term growth and survival of plants. However, information regarding the mechanism that controls growth recovery of herbaceous perennials is not available. In this study, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was rewatered after eight-day exposure to three drought intensities simulated by polyethylene glycol-6000. The growth, nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC, i.e. sucrose, glucose, fructose and starch), shoot δ13C, and activities of enzymes for sucrose conversion were monitored for 24 days after rewatering, allowing investigation of the dynamic of NSCs and its relation with growth in the recovery phase. In response to drought, growth and NSC content decreased mainly in shoot rather than root, and the total dry matter was negatively correlated to shoot δ13C. After rewatering, the growth of drought-treated groups still lagged behind that of control (CK) group for more than 16 days, but it was no longer correlated to shoot δ13C, suggesting that the limited growth is caused by non-stomatal factors related to photosynthesis. On day 24 after rewatering, the final growth of drought-treated groups caught up or even exceeded that of CK group, and was accompanied by higher dry weight root to shoot ratio (R/S) and root NSC content, which may facilitate water and nutrient acquisition and emergency of new tillers, respectively. During drought and subsequent recovery, the variation of R/S and root NSC content mainly attributed to root acid invertase rather than leaf sucrose phosphate synthase activity.
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Key words
Perennial ryegrass,Drought recovery,delta C-13,NSC,R/S
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