Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Oncology: How We Do It

Università degli Studi di Milano,Summers Paul E., Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti Ancona “Umberto I, G. Salesi, G.M. Lancisi”,Ambrosini Roberta,Cianci Roberta,Cristel Giulia,Calistri Linda,Colagrande Stefano


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is particularly attractive for clinical application in perfusion imaging thanks to the absence of ionizing radiation and limited volumes of contrast agent (CA) necessary. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE–MRI) involves sequentially acquiring T1-weighted images through an organ of interest during the passage of a bolus administration of CA. It is a particularly flexible approach to perfusion imaging as the signal intensity time course allows not only rapid qualitative assessment, but also quantitative measures of intrinsic perfusion and permeability parameters. We examine aspects of the T1-weighted image series acquisition, CA administration, post-processing that constitute a DCE–MRI study in clinical practice, before considering some heuristics that may aid in interpreting the resulting contrast enhancement time series. While qualitative DCE–MRI has a well-established role in the diagnostic assessment of a range of tumours, and a central role in MR mammography, clinical use of quantitative DCE–MRI remains limited outside of clinical trials. The recent publication of proposals for standardized acquisition and analysis protocols for DCE–MRI by the Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance may be an opportunity to consolidate and advance clinical practice.
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI,DCE–MRI,MR perfusion imaging,MR permeability mapping,Quantitative MRI
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