Designed growth of porous 2-dimensional Nb2O5 with Ag nanoparticles for differential detection of UV-A and UV-C.


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We demonstrate the differential detection of UV-A (ultra-violet 320-400 nm region) and UV-C (100-280 nm) using porous two-dimensional (2D) Nb2O5 and additional Ag nano-particle decoration. The 2D Nb2O5, which has band-absorption edge near the UV-A zone, was synthesized by thermodynamic conversion of 2D material NbSe2 (Nb2O5 has lower Gibbs formation energy than NbSe2). For the differential detection (to distinguish with UV-C absorption), we decorated the Ag nano-particles on the Nb2O5 surface. By coating Ag nano-particles, we can expect (i) a decrease in the area of light absorption by the Ag-coated area, and (ii) an increase of surface plasmon absorption by Ag nano-particles, especially the UV-A region, resulting in strong intensity ratio change UV-A/UV-C.
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UV sensors,NbSe2,thermodynamic conversion
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