
Fast Method For Evaluating And Optimizing The Scattering Efficiency Of Light Guide Plate Dots

Laser & Optoelectronics Progress(2020)

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The scattering ability of light guide plate (LGP) clots directly affects the light energy utilization and clot density of backlight module, so quick selection of the best clot structure is very important for manufacturers. This paper proposed a method to evaluate the effective light guiding ability of clots by LGP clot scattering efficiency. Based on the LGP clot density file that has been mass-produced by the manufacturers, the influence of the clot inclination angle on the scattering efficiency was studied theoretically and experimentally, and the best clot structure obtained was applied to actual processing. The results show that the method can reveal the correlation among the clot scattering efficiency, the light energy utilizaiton rate, the effective light -emitting area and the clot density. An inclination angle range of 25 -60 corresponding to the maximum light energy utilization rate can be obtained. In this range, the clot scattering efficiency and inclination angle arc positively correlated. By re-optimizing the LGP uniformly with clots with higher scattering efficiency, it is found that the number of clots could be reduced by 60%, the light energy utilization rate is only reduced by 2%, and the actual machining effect of LGP is consistent with the simulated effect.
optical design, scattering efficiency of clots, light guide plate, clot structure
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