
Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing to Enhance the Security of Web Application

international conference on information systems(2019)

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In the present scenario, the usage of internet is enormous and is escalating day by day. Internet facilities are employed in almost every field of work and people are becoming depending on it, with the increasing dependency on the internet, concern regarding information security has been increased. Because most of the work, e-commerce, chatting, payment of the bill, etc. are work through over the internet. That is why security is most important for any web site. Basically, such security concern is high in the field of organizations, institutions, and the financial sector. This problem is greater in the field of the finance sector, this problem is greater in this field not only because the financial capital associated but also organizations and client sensitive and private data. If this data hack by the attacker then attacker or unauthorized user can use this data in the wrong way. To test the security in web applications, the company performs penetration testing which identifies web applications vulnerabilities and attackers actions. This paper is focused on web application security. In this proposed research work, a framework has been built to test the vulnerabilities. This framework has the same working module as that of a financial institutions website. After penetration testing, based on the vulnerability further, a framework will be designed which will provide more security to such web sites. The developed framework can be used in several institutions, company, Organization to test the vulnerability.
Penetration Testing,Finance sector,Web Security,Vulnerability,Manual testing,Automated testing
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