
Corrigendum to "celiac Disease or Positive Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies in Patients Undergoing Renal Biopsies" [dig Liver Dis (2018);50:27-31].

Digestive and liver disease official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver(2019)

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The authors deeply apologize for an error that appeared in the article by Nurmi et al. in the issue of January 2018 of the Digestive and Liver Disease (Dig Liver Dis. 2018;50:27–31), entitled ‘Celiac disease or positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies in patients undergoing renal biopsies’. The error concerns the formula of eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate), which was formed erroneously. However, the correct values of creatinine and age were used. The wrong formula neither changes the end results nor the message of the study. The corrected sentences are as follows: ‘At the time of kidney biopsy and after a median follow-up of 5 to 6 years, renal function measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was inferior in IgA nephropathy patients with celiac autoimmunity compared to those without it (P = 0.073 and P = 0.062, respectively)’ (in the abstract) and ‘It is notable that patients having celiac disease autoimmunity were found to have more severe kidney disease defined by the higher levels of creatinine and lower eGFR among this patient group’ (in the discussion). The new Table 3, which shows the correct values of eGFR is published in full below. Table 3 Clinical data in 147 patients suffering from IgA nephropathy with and without celiac disease autoimmunity.Tabled 1Patients with celiac disease autoimmunityn = 12Patients without celiac disease autoimmunityn = 135P-valueAt time of the kidney biopsyAge, median (range), years57(21–79)44(17–80)0.181Female, (%)3(25)45(33)0.751BMIb, median (range), kg/m228(25–36)27(16–47)0.436P-Creatininec, median (range), μmol/l114(78–472)93(19–1541)0.042eGFR a,c, median (range), ml/min/1.73 m248(11–107)78(3–138)0.073Urinary protein excretion rated, median (range), g/day1.6(0.2–4.6)1.2(0.07–12.9)0.684Hematuriae, n (%) Negative1(8)23(19)0.692 Positive11(92)101(81)At the latest follow-upDuration of follow-up, median (range), months58(2–126)76(0–180)0.782P-Creatitinef, median (range), μmol/l156(69–1286)96(43–1013)0.059eGFR a,f, median (range), ml/min/1.73 m234(4–101)75(4–137)0.062Annual change of eGFRf, ml/min/1.73 m2 per year−0.1(−0.7 to 2)−0.1(−37 to 11)0.851Urinary protein excretion rateg, median (range), g/day0.2(0–0.9)0.5(0–4.5)0.472Hematuriah, n (%) Negative6(67)56(70)1.000 Positive3(33)24(30)Outcome Dialysis after biopsy, n (%)1(8)12(9)1.000 Transplantation, n (%)0(0)8(6)1.000 Died, n (%)3(25)13(10)0.126 Open table in a new tab BMI = body mass index, eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate. aeGFR was calculated by CKD-EPI equation. Variables were available from the following numbers of subjects: b68, c138, d109, e136, f143, g45, h89. Celiac disease or positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies in patients undergoing renal biopsiesDigestive and Liver DiseaseVol. 50Issue 1PreviewAn association between celiac disease and renal diseases has been suggested, but the results are controversial. Full-Text PDF
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