Kindlin Assists Talin to Promote Integrin Activation.

Biophysical journal(2020)

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Integrin αIIbβ3 is a predominant type of integrin abundantly expressed on the surface of platelets and its activation regulates the process of thrombosis. Talin and kindlin are cytoplasmic proteins that bind to integrin and modulate its affinity for extracellular ligands. Although the molecular details of talin-mediated integrin activation are known, the mechanism of kindlin involvement in this process remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the interplay between talin and kindlin promotes integrin activation. Our all-atomic molecular dynamics simulations on complete transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of integrin αIIbβ3, talin1 F2/F3 subdomains, and the kindlin2 FERM domain in an explicit lipid-water environment over a microsecond timescale unraveled the role of kindlin as an enhancer of the talin interaction with the membrane proximal region of β−integrin. The cooperation of kindlin with talin results in a complete disruption of salt bridges between R995 on αIIb and D723/E726 on β3. Furthermore, kindlin modifies the molecular mechanisms of inside-out activation by decreasing the crossing angle between transmembrane helices of integrin αIIbβ3, which eventually results in parallelization of integrin dimer. In addition, our control simulation featuring integrin in complex with kindlin reveals that kindlin binding is not sufficient for unclasping the inner-membrane and outer-membrane interactions of integrin dimer, thus ruling out the possibility of solitary action of kindlin in integrin activation.
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