
Evaluation of thermal conductivity and its structural dependence of a single nanodiamond using molecular dynamics simulation

Diamond and Related Materials(2020)

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In the present study, we investigated thermal conductivity and its structural dependence of a spherical nanodiamond with 2.5 nm in diameter using molecular dynamics simulation. We briefly discussed the difficulty of computing the thermal conductivity of a free nanoparticle using conventional methods and here we derived it from the non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of a composite system where a nanodiamond is sandwiched between two solid blocks. The structural dependence was examined by applying this method based on a composite system to the 2.5 nm nanodiamonds having different ratios of 3- and 4-coordinate carbons (termed sp2-like and sp3-like carbons, respectively), which were obtained from annealing at different temperatures. The thermal conductivity of the nanodiamond decreased from 28 to 10 W/(m·K) with decreasing ratio of sp3-like carbons until the number of sp2-like bonds exceeded that of sp3-like bonds. When sp2-like bond became richer than sp3-like bond, the thermal conductivity was less sensitive to further increase of the ratio of sp2-like carbons. Based on the consideration of the heat transfer associated with a single CC bond, we interpreted that this structural dependence reflects the heat transfer characteristics of sp3- or sp2-like bond, whichever is more abundant. This interpretation, as well as the methodology, is helpful for understanding thermal conductivity of nanodiamonds and other carbon nanomaterials.
single nanodiamond,thermal conductivity,molecular dynamics simulation
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