Intra-Locked G-Quadruplex Structures Formed By Irregular Dna G-Rich Motifs


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G-rich DNA sequences with tracts of three or more continuous guanines (G(>= 3)) are known to have high propensity to adopt stable G-quadruplex (G4) structures. Bioinformatic analyses suggest high prevalence of G-rich sequences with short G-tracts (G(<= 2)) in the human genome. However, due to limited structural studies, the folding principles of such sequences remain largely unexplored and hence poorly understood. Here, we present the solution NMR structure of a sequence named AT26 consisting of irregularly spaced G(2) tracts and two isolated single guanines. The structure is a four-layered G4 featuring two bi-layered blocks, locked between themselves in an unprecedented fashion making it a stable scaffold. In addition to edgewise and propellertype loops, AT26 also harbors two V-shaped loops: a 2-nt V-shaped loop spanning two G-tetrad layers and a 0-nt V-shaped loop spanning three G-tetrad layers, which are named as V-S- and V-R-loop respectively, based on their distinct structural features. The intralock motif can be a basis for extending the G-tetrad core and a very stable intra-locked G4 can be formed by a sequence with G-tracts of various lengths including several G(2) tracts. Findings from this study will aid in understanding the folding of G4 topologies from sequences containing irregularly spaced multiple short G-tracts.
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