Optimum Lithium Loading of a Liquid Scintillator for Neutron and Neutrino Detection

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2020)

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Neutral particle detection in high-background environments is greatly aided by the ability to easily load 6Li into liquid scintillators. We describe a readily available and inexpensive liquid scintillation cocktail stably loaded with a Li mass fraction up to 1 %. Compositions that give thermodynamically stable microemulsions (reverse-micellar systems) were explored, using a Compton spectrum quenching technique to distinguish these from unstable emulsions. Scintillation light yield and transmittance were characterized. Pulse shape discrimination (PSD) was measured using a 252Cf source, showing that electron-like and proton-like recoil events are well-resolved even for Li loading up to 1 %, providing a means of background suppression in neutron/neutrino detectors. While samples in this work were prepared with nat Li (7.59 % 6Li), the neutron capture peak was clearly visible in the PSD spectrum; this implies that while extremely high capture efficiency could be achieved with 6Li-enriched material, a very inexpensive neutron-sensitive detector can be prepared with nat Li.
Capture gating,Pulse shape discrimination,Microemulsion,Micellar phase boundary,Phase separation,Light yield,Inverse beta decay,Li-6
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