Effect of High Density Electric Current Pulse on Solidification of Cu-37.4 wt.%Pb Monotectic Alloy Melt


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The effect of high-density electric current pulse (ECP) on the solidification of Cu-37.4 wt.%Pb monotectic alloy melt was investigated. The microstructure formation mechanisms of ECP were clarified according to liquid metal cluster theory. The results demonstrated that with ECP treatment, the microstructure of Cu-Pb monotectic alloy became finer, the distribution of Pb phase in the matrix was more even and the solute trapping was significantly apparent. Based on the metal liquid cluster theory under ECP, the solid solubility increase result might be due to the salvation clusters increase under the action of pulse current, leading to the binding force increase among solute atoms and solvent atoms. Simultaneously, the aforementioned results were verified through the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) curve analysis. The results of hardness test, anti-friction test and wear- resistance test show that the ECP can enhance the hardness, improve the properties of anti-friction and wear-resistance of the alloy.
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Key words
electric current pulse,solidification,grain refinement,solid solubility,Cu-Pb monotectic alloy
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