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High-statistics Measurement of Neutrino Quasielastic-Like Scattering at = 6 GeV on a Hydrocarbon Target

Physical Review Letters(2023)SCI 1区

Oregon State Univ | Aligarh Muslim Univ | Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru | Univ Rochester | Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab | Univ Guanajuato | Univ Geneva | Urca | Univ Notre Dame | William & Mary | Tufts Univ | Indian Inst Sci Educ & Res IISER Mohali | Imperial Coll London | Univ Penn | Univ Warwick | Massachusetts Coll Liberal Arts | Univ Pittsburgh | Univ Tecn Federico Santa Maria | Univ Florida | Univ Oxford | Rutgers State Univ | Univ Nacl Ingn

Cited 30|Views75
We measure neutrino charged-current quasielasticlike scattering on hydrocarbon at high statistics using the wideband Neutrinos at the Main Injector beam with neutrino energy peaked at 6 GeV. The double-differential cross section is reported in terms of muon longitudinal (p_{∥}) and transverse (p_{⊥}) momentum. Cross section contours versus lepton momentum components are approximately described by a conventional generator-based simulation, however, discrepancies are observed for transverse momenta above 0.5  GeV/c for longitudinal momentum ranges 3-5 and 9-20  GeV/c. The single differential cross section versus momentum transfer squared (dσ/dQ_{QE}^{2}) is measured over a four-decade range of Q^{2} that extends to 10  GeV^{2}. The cross section turnover and falloff in the Q^{2} range 0.3-10  GeV^{2} is not fully reproduced by generator predictions that rely on dipole form factors. Our measurement probes the axial-vector content of the hadronic current and complements the electromagnetic form factor data obtained using electron-nucleon elastic scattering. These results help oscillation experiments because they probe the importance of various correlations and final-state interaction effects within the nucleus, which have different effects on the visible energy in detectors.
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Key words
Neutrino Detection,Neutrino Oscillations,Neutrino Masses,High Energy Density Physics,Neutrino Mass
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要点】:本文通过高统计量测量,研究了6 GeV能量下中微子与碳氢靶的准弹性散射,揭示了传统模拟在横动量大于0.5 GeV/c时的不一致性,并深入探究了强子流的轴矢量内容,为振荡实验提供了重要数据。

方法】:作者使用了宽频带中微子束流(Neutrinos at the Main Injector)进行实验,通过测量μ子的纵向和横向动量,计算了双微分截面。

实验】:实验使用了中微子能量峰值为6 GeV的束流,在碳氢靶上进行了高统计量的测量。数据集包括在0.3-10 GeV²范围内测量的动量转移平方(Q²)的单微分截面(dσ/dQ²),结果发现传统生成器预测在0.3-10 GeV²范围内的截面转折和下降不完全符合实际测量值。