
Resonances in E+e− Annihilation Near 2.2 GeV

J. P. Lees,V. Poireau,V. Tisserand,E. Grauges,A. Palano,G. Eigen,D. N. Brown,Yu. G. Kolomensky,M. Fritsch,H. Koch,T. Schroeder,R. Cheaib,C. Hearty,T. S. Mattison,J. A. McKenna,R. Y. So,V. E. Blinov,A. R. Buzykaev,V. P. Druzhinin,V. B. Golubev,E. A. Kozyrev,E. A. Kravchenko,A. P. Onuchin,S. I. Serednyakov,Yu. I. Skovpen,E. P. Solodov,K. Yu. Todyshev,A. J. Lankford,B. Dey,J. W. Gary,O. Long,A. M. Eisner,W. S. Lockman,W. Panduro Vazquez,D. S. Chao,C. H. Cheng,B. Echenard, K. T. Flood,D. G. Hitlin,J. Kim,Y. Li,T. S. Miyashita,P. Ongmongkolkul,F. C. Porter,M. Rohrken,Z. Huard,B. T. Meadows, B. G. Pushpawela,M. D. Sokoloff,L. Sun,J. G. Smith,S. R. Wagner,D. Bernard,M. Verderi,D. Bettoni,C. Bozzi,R. Calabrese,G. Cibinetto,E. Fioravanti,I. Garzia,E. Luppi,V. Santoro,A. Calcaterra,R. De Sangro,G. Finocchiaro,S. Martellotti,P. Patteri,I. M. Peruzzi,M. Piccolo,M. Rotondo,A. Zallo,S. Passaggio, C. Patrignani,B. J. Shuve,H. M. Lacker,B. Bhuyan,U. Mallik,C. Chen,J. Cochran,S. Prell,A. V. Gritsan,N. Arnaud,M. Davier,F. Le Diberder,A. M. Lutz,G. Wormser,D. J. Lange,D. M. Wright,J. P. Coleman,E. Gabathuler,D. E. Hutchcroft,D. J. Payne,C. Touramanis,A. J. Bevan,F. Di Lodovico,R. Sacco,G. Cowan,Sw. Banerjee,C. L. Davis,A. G. Denig,W. Gradl, K. Griessinger,A. Hafner,K. R. Schubert,R. J. Barlow,G. D. Lafferty,R. Cenci,A. Jawahery,D. A. Roberts,R. Cowan,S. H. Robertson, R. M. Seddon,N. Neri,F. Palombo,L. Cremaldi,R. Godang,D. J. Summers, P. Taras,G. De Nardo,C. Sciacca,G. Raven,C. P. Jessop,J. M. LoSecco,K. Honscheid,R. Kass,A. Gaz,M. Margoni,M. Posocco,G. Simi,F. Simonetto,R. Stroili,S. Akar,E. Ben-Haim,M. Bomben,G. R. Bonneaud,G. Calderini,J. Chauveau,G. Marchiori,J. Ocariz,M. Biasini,E. Manoni,A. Rossi,G. Batignani,S. Bettarini,M. Carpinelli,G. Casarosa,M. Chrzaszcz,F. Forti,M. A. Giorgi,A. Lusiani,B. Oberhof,E. Paoloni,M. Rama,G. Rizzo,J. J. Walsh,L. Zani,A. J. S. Smith,F. Anulli,R. Faccini,F. Ferrarotto,F. Ferroni,A. Pilloni,G. Piredda,C. Buenger,S. Dittrich,O. Gruenberg,M. Hess,T. Leddig,C. Voss,R. Waldi,T. Adye,F. F. Wilson,S. Emery,G. Vasseur,D. Aston,C. Cartaro,M. R. Convery,J. Dorfan,W. Dunwoodie,M. Ebert,R. C. Field,B. G. Fulsom,M. T. Graham,C. Hast,W. R. Innes, P. Kim,D. W. G. S. Leith,S. Luitz,D. B. MacFarlane,D. R. Muller,H. Neal,B. N. Ratcliff,A. Roodman,M. K. Sullivan,J. Va'vra,W. J. Wisniewski,M. V. Purohit,J. R. Wilson,A. Randle-Conde, S. J. Sekula,H. Ahmed,M. Bellis, P. R. Burchat,E. M. T. Puccio,M. S. Alam,J. A. Ernst,R. Gorodeisky,N. Guttman,D. R. Peimer,A. Soffer,S. M. Spanier,J. L. Ritchie,R. F. Schwitters,J. M. Izen,X. C. Lou,F. Bianchi,F. De Mori,A. Filippi,D. Gamba, L. Lanceri,L. Vitale,F. Martinez-Vidal,A. Oyanguren,J. Albert,A. Beaulieu,F. U. Bernlochner,G. J. King,R. Kowalewski,T. Lueck,I. M. Nugent,J. M. Roney,R. J. Sobie,N. Tasneem,T. J. Gershon,P. F. Harrison,T. E. Latham, R. Prepost,S. L. Wu

Physical review D/Physical review D(2020)

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Author(s): Lees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Grauges, E; Palano, A; Eigen, G; Brown, DN; Kolomensky, YG; Fritsch, M; Koch, H; Schroeder, T; Cheaib, R; Hearty, C; Mattison, TS; McKenna, JA; So, RY; Blinov, VE; Buzykaev, AR; Druzhinin, VP; Golubev, VB; Kozyrev, EA; Kravchenko, EA; Onuchin, AP; Serednyakov, SI; Skovpen, YI; Solodov, EP; Todyshev, KY; Lankford, AJ; Dey, B; Gary, JW; Long, O; Eisner, AM; Lockman, WS; Panduro Vazquez, W; Chao, DS; Cheng, CH; Echenard, B; Flood, KT; Hitlin, DG; Kim, J; Li, Y; Miyashita, TS; Ongmongkolkul, P; Porter, FC; Rohrken, M; Huard, Z; Meadows, BT; Pushpawela, BG; Sokoloff, MD; Sun, L; Smith, JG; Wagner, SR; Bernard, D; Verderi, M; Bettoni, D; Bozzi, C; Calabrese, R; Cibinetto, G; Fioravanti, E; Garzia, I; Luppi, E; Santoro, V; Calcaterra, A; De Sangro, R; Finocchiaro, G; Martellotti, S; Patteri, P; Peruzzi, IM; Piccolo, M; Rotondo, M; Zallo, A; Passaggio, S; Patrignani, C; Shuve, BJ; Lacker, HM; Bhuyan, B; Mallik, U; Chen, C; Cochran, J; Prell, S; Gritsan, AV; Arnaud, N; Davier, M; Le Diberder, F; Lutz, AM | Abstract: © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the "" Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Using the initial-state radiation method, the e+e-→KSKL cross section from 1.98 to 2.54 GeV is measured in a data sample of 469 fb-1 collected with the BABAR detector. The results are used in conjunction with previous BABAR results for the e+e-→K+K-, e+e-→π+π-, e+e-→π+π-η, and e+e-→ωππ cross sections to investigate the nature of the resonance structure recently observed by the BESIII experiment in the e+e-→K+K- cross section.
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