
P4376Circumferential Ascending Aortic Strain in Healthy Adults Aged 24 to 75 Years

European heart journal(2019)

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Abstract Background Two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) for the measurement of circumferential ascending thoracic aortic strain (CAAS) in healthy adults is not elucidated. We aimed to establish normal adult STE-derived CAAS and to evaluate associations with age, gender and other physiologic parameters. Methods One hundred eighty-one healthy subjects aged 24–75 were prospectively gathered and examined with two-dimensional echocardiography. The global peak CAAS was the parameter used, and an average of six segments of arterial wall deformation was calculated. The corrected CAAS was calculated as the global CAAS/pulse pressure (PP). Aortic stiffness (β2) index was assessed according to ln(Ps/Pd)/CAAS. Results We included 171 healthy subjects (age 44.3±10.9 years, 50% female, CAAS16.0±6.9%). The CAAS was independently predicted by age (β=−0.387, P<0.001), and gender (β=−2.701, P=0.001). The corrected CAAS was independently predicted by age (β=−0.009, P<0.001), SAC (β=−0.206, P<0.001) and gender (β=−0.068, P=0.001). The β2 index was independently predicted by age (β=0.136, P<0.001), and PP (β=0.059, P=0.007). Conclusion CAAS using 2D-STE can be performed on a clinical basis and may become an important method for the assessment of aortic mechanical parameter. Age, gender and LV afterload-related variables were the most import determinants of 2D-STE global CAAS. Therefore, these factors should be taken into account for strain interpretation in clinical practice.
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