Enhancing the Accuracy of Measurement of Small Molecule Organic Biomarkers.

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry(2019)

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Over two decades, the Organic Analysis Working Group (OAWG) of the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM) has organized a number of comparisons for clinically relevant small molecule organic biomarkers. The aim of the OAWG community is to be part of the coordinated international movement towards accuracy and comparability of clinical measurements that will, in turn, minimize the wastage of repeat testing and unnecessary therapy to create a sustainable healthcare industry. International and regional directives/requirements on metrological traceability of calibrators and control materials are in place. Metrology institutes worldwide maintain infrastructure for the practical realization of metrological traceability and demonstrate the equivalence of their measurement capabilities through participation in key comparisons organized under the auspices of the CCQM. These institutes provide certified reference materials, as well as other dedicated value-assignment services benefiting the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry, reference (calibration) laboratories and the clinical chemistry laboratories. The roles of these services in supporting national, regional, and international activities to ensure the metrological traceability of clinical chemistry measurements are described. Graphical abstract.
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