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Preliminary Evaluation of Prevalence of Hip and Elbow Dysplasia in Boerboel Dogs

R.A. Ajadi, O.A. Doyin-Dada

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences(2019)

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Hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow dysplasia (ED) are developmental diseases that affect large breed of dogs disproportionately.Despite the large size of Boerboel dogs, there are no breed prevalence for HD and ED in Nigeria.This study provides preliminary information about HD and ED prevalence in Boerboels.Twenty Boerboels of both sexes were evaluated.Ventrodorsal radiographs of the hip joint and flexed lateral radiographs of elbow joint were made from each dog, using digital technology.Hip grading was done using the Fédération Cynologique Internationale system (World Canine Organization), assigning grades ranging from A -E. Elbow radiographs were graded based on the International Elbow Working Group criteria, and scores ranging from 0-3 were assigned.Prevalence of HD and ED were expressed as percentages.Age and sex difference were compared using a chi square test.Differences were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05.Mean age of the dogs at the time of radiography was 2.4 ± 0.4 years.Seven (35%) Boerboels had normal hips, while thirteen (65%) had HD.Fifteen (75%) Boerboels had normal elbows, while five (25%) had ED.Five (25%) Boerboels with HD were males, while 8 (40%) HD diagnoses were in females.Two (10%) Boerboels with ED were male, while three (15%) were female.There was no significant (p ˃ 0.05) association between the sex and age of the dogs and distribution of HD and ED, or between sex and concurrent presence of HD and ED in Boerboels.In conclusion, HD prevalence in Boerboels (65%) is higher than that of ED.Further research on hip and elbow disease of African large dogs is indicated.
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