Tritium in water bodies around the Kaiga generating station

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry(2019)

Cited 6|Views5
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Tritium concentration was monitored in different water sources collected around Kaiga Nuclear Power plant, India. The concentration was in the ranges < 1.9–27.4 Bq L −1 (GM = 4.0 Bq L −1 ) for groundwater, < 1.9–42.1 Bq L −1 (GM = 3.5 Bq L −1 ) for surface water and in 12.4–42.0 Bq L −1 (GM = 24.07 Bq L −1 ) for reservoir water. The concentration values observed in this study are similar to those reported for other PHWR stations of the world. The radiation dose to the public due to ingestion of Tritium through groundwater was computed to be 0.08 μSvy −1 .
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Key words
Tritium,Surface water,Groundwater,NPP,Kaiga,PHWR
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