Emerging (Re) Diseases In Five Cities Of The South Region Of Cariri Cearense, 2013 To 2017: Its Socio-Environmental Profile


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Infectious diseases, both emerging and reemerging diseases, have a huge impact on public health, health care, macroeconomics, and society. The availability of options to control and prevent the onset or reappearance and spread of pathogens requires ongoing evaluation. Measles is an acute infectious contagious disease of respiratory transmission, and in some parts of the world it is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality among the population of children under 5 years of age. Rubella, an acute exanthematic disease of viral etiology, presents high transmissibility, has an epidemiological importance related to Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), and can lead to countless complications causing fetal death and several birth defects. The objective of this article is to analyze the cases of these two pathologies in the region of Juazeiro do Norte, Barbalha, Caririacu, Granjeiro and Jardim that occurred in the period from 2013 to 2017. The data were collected through the System of Notification of Injuries (SINAN / NET), also using scientific articles and epidemiological bulletins provided by the Ministry of Health. Fourteen suspected cases of exanthematic diseases (9 measles and 5 rubella) were verified, none of which were duly proven. In the course of the research, it is possible to verify the relationship between vaccination efficacy and epidemiological surveillance to control and avoid the emergence of new outbreaks.
Disease, Emerging, Rubella and Measles
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