
Two-Photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence in a Radiofrequency Ion Thruster Plume in Krypton

Journal of propulsion and power(2019)

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No AccessTechnical NotesTwo-Photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence in a Radiofrequency Ion Thruster Plume in KryptonChristoph Eichhorn, Frank Scholze, Carsten Bundesmann, Daniel Spemann, Horst Neumann and Hans LeiterChristoph EichhornLeibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), 04318 Leipzig, Germany*Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics Department, Permoserstrasse 15. Member AIAA.Search for more papers by this author, Frank ScholzeLeibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), 04318 Leipzig, Germany†Senior Researcher, Physics Department, Permoserstrasse 15.Search for more papers by this author, Carsten BundesmannLeibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), 04318 Leipzig, Germany†Senior Researcher, Physics Department, Permoserstrasse 15.Search for more papers by this author, Daniel SpemannLeibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), 04318 Leipzig, Germany‡Head of Group, Physics Department, Permoserstrasse 15.Search for more papers by this author, Horst NeumannLeibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), 04318 Leipzig, Germany§Research Scientist Emeritus, Physics Department, Permoserstrasse 15.Search for more papers by this author and Hans LeiterArianeGroup GmbH, 74239 Lampoldshausen, Germany¶Professor, EP Chief Engineer, Post Box 1119.Search for more papers by this authorPublished Online:21 Aug 2019 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Polk J. 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See also AIAA Rights and Permissions TopicsDoppler EffectElectrical Measuring EquipmentElectricityElectrodynamicsElectromagnetic RadiationElectromagnetismElementary ParticlesGeneral PhysicsMaterial PropertiesMaterials and Structural MechanicsOptical PropertiesParticle PhysicsSpace Science and TechnologySpectroscopySubatomic Particles KeywordsLaser Induced FluorescencePhotonThruster PlumesFluorescenceGridded Ion ThrusterChamber PressureSpontaneous EmissionLaser EnergyDigital Delay GeneratorNumerical SimulationAcknowledgmentsWork of C. Eichhorn was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG through Grant EI978/1-1, which is gratefully acknowledged. The authors gratefully acknowledge support of C. Dankert and A. Neumann from the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Göttingen, Germany. The authors thank R. Woyciechowsky and M. Müller and the workshop at IOM for technical support. ArianeGroup is gratefully acknowledged for providing the RIT-10 thruster.PDF Received7 December 2018Accepted17 July 2019Published online21 August 2019
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