Vanadium and its isotope composition of river water and seawater: Analytical improvement and implications for vanadium isotope fractionation

Chemical Geology(2019)

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Investigation of redox variations in recent and paleo-oceans has been of particular scientific interest to elucidate the rise and variations of the atmospheric oxygen level by analyses of isotopic signatures of redox-sensitive elements like Fe, Mo, and U. Vanadium is another redox-sensitive metal that has become the target of stable isotope research during the last decade. Research of the oceanic V cycle revealed a rather complex interplay of riverine V as a major V source to the oceans on one side with V deposition in sediments and at hydrothermal vents as major sinks on the other. The balance between these major V pools is sensitive to the ocean water oxygen level and chemistry. The current data set of stable V isotope signatures of seawater is still very small, but indicates already subtle variation of the V isotope signatures in the marine environment. However, the V isotopes of marine sediments and particularly the riverine V isotope composition of dissolved and particulate V, i.e. the major source of V in modern marine environments, has not been constrained at all so far.
Vanadium,Isotopes,Seawater,River water,Yangtze River Basin
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