Structural Insights into Poly(Heptazine Imides): A Light-Storing Carbon Nitride Material for Dark Photocatalysis.


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Solving the structure of carbon nitrides has been a long-standing challenge due to the low crystallinity and complex structures observed within this class of earth-abundant photocatalysts. Herein, we report on two-dimensional layered potassium poly(heptazine imide) (K-PHI) and its proton-exchanged counterpart (H-PHI), obtained by ionothermal synthesis using a molecular precursor route. We present a comprehensive analysis of the in-plane and three-dimensional structure of PHI. Transmission electron microscopy and solid-state NMR spectroscopy, supported by quantum-chemical calculations, suggest a planar, imide-bridged heptazine backbone with trigonal symmetry in both K-PHI and H-PHI, whereas pair distribution function analyses and X-ray powder diffraction using recursive-like simulations of planar defects point to a structure-directing function of the pore content. While the out-of-plane structure of K-PHI exhibits a unidirectional layer offset, mediated by hydrated potassium ions, H-PHI is characterized by a high degree of stacking faults due to the weaker structure directing influence of pore water. Structure-property relationships in PHI reveal that a loss of in-plane coherence, materializing in smaller lateral platelet dimensions and increased terminal cyanamide groups, correlates with improved photocatalytic performance. Size-optimized H-PHI is highly active toward photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, with a rate of 3363 mu mol/gh H-2 placing it on par with the most active carbon nitrides. K- and H-PHI adopt a uniquely long-lived photoreduced polaronic state in which light-induced electrons are stored for more than 6 h in the dark and released upon addition of a Pt cocatalyst. This work highlights the importance of structure- property relationships in carbon nitrides for the rational design of highly active hydrogen evolution photocatalysts.
dark photocatalysis,carbon nitride material,light-storing
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