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Classical Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles and C4 Haplotypes Are Not Significantly Associated with Depression

Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)(2020)

Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre | Inst Psychiat Psychol & Neurosci | Kings Coll London | Univ Adelaide | Max Planck Inst Psychiat | Melbourne Med Sch | Emory Univ | Univ Edinburgh | Dept Biol Psychol | Reg Hosp West Jutland | QIMR Berghofer Med Res Inst | Univ Munster | Erasmus MC | Massachusetts Gen Hosp | Univ Bonn | Univ Med Greifswald | Kaiser Permanente Northern Calif | Cardiff Univ | Univ Worcester | Univ Southern Calif | Univ Hosp Lausanne | Stanford Univ | UCL | Karolinska Inst | Vrije Univ Amsterdam | Lundbeck Fdn Initiat Integrat Psychiat Res | Univ British Columbia | Univ Liverpool | Univ Iowa | NCI | Kaiser Permanente Washington | Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry | Univ North Carolina Chapel Hill | Dalhousie Univ | New York State Psychiat Inst & Hosp | Univ Queensland | Univ Wurzburg | Aarhus Univ Hosp | Virginia Commonwealth Univ | Vrije Univ | Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst | Duke Univ | Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth | Trinity Coll Dublin | Johns Hopkins Univ | Rigshosp | Univ Sydney | Univ Med | Harvard Med Sch | Univ Med Berlin | Univ Oxford | Columbia Univ Coll Phys & Surg | Univ Tartu | Queensland Univ Technol | Humus | Solid Biosci | Washington Univ | Univ Groningen | Ludwig Maximilian Univ Munich | Univ Iceland | James Cook Univ | Univ Glasgow | deCODE Genet Amgen | Univ Cambridge | Leiden Univ | Pfizer Global Res & Dev | Univ Trento | Univ Freiburg | Broad Inst | Janssen Res & Dev LLC

Cited 23|Views103
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of depression is higher in individuals with autoimmune diseases, but the mechanisms underlying the observed comorbidities are unknown. Shared genetic etiology is a plausible explanation for the overlap, and in this study we tested whether genetic variation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which is associated with risk for autoimmune diseases, is also associated with risk for depression. METHODS: We fine-mapped the classical MHC (chr6: 29.6-33.1 Mb), imputing 216 human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and 4 complement component 4 (C4) haplotypes in studies from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Major Depressive Disorder Working Group and the UK Biobank. The total sample size was 45,149 depression cases and 86,698 controls. We tested for association between depression status and imputed MHC variants, applying both a region-wide significance threshold (3.9 x 10(-6) ) and a candidate threshold (1.6 x 10(-4) ). RESULTS: No HLA alleles or C4 haplotypes were associated with depression at the region-wide threshold. HLAB*08:01 was associated with modest protection for depression at the candidate threshold for testing in HLA genes in the meta-analysis (odds ratio = 0.98, 95% confidence interval = 0.97-0.99). CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence that an increased risk for depression was conferred by HLA alleles, which play a major role in the genetic susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, or C4 haplotypes, which are strongly associated with schizophrenia. These results suggest that any HLA or C4 variants associated with depression either are rare or have very modest effect sizes.
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Key words
Autoimmune disorder,Complement,Genetic association,Human leukocyte antigen,Major depressive disorder,Major histoconnpatibility complex
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