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Measurements of Inclusive Jet Spectra in Pp and Central Pb-Pb Collisions at Snn=5.02tev

Physical review C(2020)

Homi Bhabha Natl Inst | Czech Acad Sci | Goethe Univ Frankfurt | Lund Univ | Panjab Univ | CERN | Sezione Ist Nazl Fis Nucl | Museo Stor Fis | Aligarh Muslim Univ | Korea Inst Sci & Technol Informat | NRC Kurchatov Inst ITEP | GSI Helmholtzzentrum Schwerionenforsch GmbH | Univ Estadual Campinas | Kurchatov Inst | INFN | Cent China Normal Univ | Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico | COMSATS Univ Islamabad | Natl Acad Sci Ukraine | Univ Bergen | St Petersburg State Univ | Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys & Nucl Engn | Univ Birmingham | Westfalische Wilhelms Univ Munster | Heidelberg Univ | Creighton Univ | Rudjer Boskovic Inst | Univ Houston | Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab | Univ Nantes | Univ Bologna | Univ Oslo | Gangneung Wonju Natl Univ | Univ Jammu | Univ Paris Saclay | Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn | Tech Univ Munich | Univ Catania | Univ Turin | Wigner Res Ctr Phys | United Kingdom | Univ Clermont Auvergne | Univ Padua | Wayne State Univ | Joint Inst Nucl Res | Indian Inst Technol Bombay IIT | Pontificia Univ Catolica Peru | Univ Copenhagen | Univ Utrecht | Inha Univ | Univ Strasbourg | NRNU Moscow Engn Phys Inst | Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst | Univ Tennessee | Inst Space Sci | Bose Inst | Gauhati Univ | Czech Tech Univ | Univ Texas Austin | Univ Pavia | Safarik Univ | Univ Brescia | Yale Univ | Univ Sao Paulo | Helsinki Inst Phys | Politecn Bari | Univ Liverpool | Russian Fed Nucl Ctr VNIIEF | Stefan Meyer Inst Subatomare Phys SMI | Natl Res Fdn | Ohio State Univ | Polish Acad Sci | Natl Inst Subat Phys | Univ Autonoma Puebla | Univ Trieste | Univ Cagliari | Univ Lyon | Univ Tsukuba | Univ Cape Town | Univ Grenoble Alpes | Oak Ridge Natl Lab | Univ Piemonte Orientale | Univ Fed ABC | Warsaw Univ Technol | Univ Salerno | Indian Inst Technol Indore | Natl Ctr Nucl Res | Dipartimento Interateneo Fis M Merlin | Ctr Aplicac Tecnol & Desarrollo Nucl CEADEN | Acad Sci | Univ Zagreb | NRC Kurchatov Inst IHEP | Univ Autonoma Sinaloa | Natl & Kapodistrian Univ Athens | Chicago State Univ | Natl Nucl Res Ctr | Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul | Univ Split | Yerevan Phys Inst Fdn | Univ Tokyo | Nagasaki Inst Appl Sci | Western Norway Univ Appl Sci | CINVESTAV | Tech Univ Kosice | Slovak Acad Sci | KTO Karatay Univ | Hsch Worms | Yonsei Univ | Univ Jyvaskyla | Chonbuk Natl Univ | Pusan Natl Univ | Sejong Univ | Calif Polytech State Univ San Luis Obispo | Suranaree Univ Technol | Univ South Eastern Norway | Univ Calif Berkeley | China Inst Atom Energy | Shanghai Inst Appl Phys | Univ Roma La Sapienza | Comenius Univ | Budker Inst Nucl Phys | Univ Rajasthan | Eberhard Karls Univ Tubingen | Hiroshima Univ | Nara Womens Univ | Indonesian Inst Sci | IN2P3 | Univ Witwatersrand | Univ Sci & Techonol China

Cited 48|Views13
This article reports measurements of the pT-differential inclusive jet cross-section in pp collisions at √ s = 5.02 TeV and the pT-differential inclusive jet yield in Pb–Pb 0–10% central collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV. Jets were reconstructed at mid-rapidity with the ALICE tracking detectors and electromagnetic calorimeter using the anti-kT algorithm. For pp collisions, we report jet crosssections for jet resolution parameters R = 0.1−0.6 over the range 20 < pT,jet < 140 GeV/c, as well as the jet cross-section ratios of different R, and comparisons to two next-to-leading-order (NLO)based theoretical predictions. For Pb–Pb collisions, we report the R = 0.2 and R = 0.4 jet spectra for 40 < pT,jet < 140 GeV/c and 60 < pT,jet < 140 GeV/c, respectively. The scaled ratio of jet yields observed in Pb–Pb to pp collisions, RAA, is constructed, and exhibits strong jet quenching and a clear pT-dependence for R = 0.2. No significant R-dependence of the jet RAA is observed within the uncertainties of the measurement. These results are compared to several theoretical predictions. ∗See Appendix A for the list of collaboration members ar X iv :1 90 9. 09 71 8v 1 [ nu cl -e x] 2 0 Se p 20 19 Measurements of jet spectra in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV ALICE Collaboration
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要点】:本文报道了在 √s = 5.02 TeV 的 pp 碰撞和 √sNN = 5.02 TeV 的中心 Pb-Pb 碰撞中,利用 ALICE 探测器测量的全包容喷注谱,发现了显著的喷注淬灭现象及 pT 依赖性,为强子物质性质提供了新的证据。

方法】:通过 ALICE 跟踪探测器和电磁量能器,使用 anti-kT 算法在中快速度区重构喷注。

实验】:在 pp 碰撞中,研究了 R = 0.1−0.6 的喷注横截面积,以及不同 R 值的喷注横截面积比,并与 NLO 理论预测进行了比较;在 Pb-Pb 碰撞中,研究了 R = 0.2 和 R = 0.4 的喷注谱,构建了 Pb-Pb 与 pp 碰撞中喷注产量的标度比率 RAA,结果显示出强烈的喷注淬灭和清晰的 pT 依赖性,且在测量不确定度内未见 R 的显著依赖性。