
Mapping the Twist-Angle Disorder and Landau Levels in Magic-Angle Graphene.

Bulletin of the American Physical Society(2020)

引用 312|浏览41
The emergence of flat electronic bands and of the recently discovered strongly correlated and superconducting phases in twisted bilayer graphene crucially depends on the interlayer twist angle upon approaching the magic angle $\theta_M \approx 1.1\deg$. Although advanced fabrication methods allow alignment of graphene layers with global twist angle control of about 0.1$\deg$, little information is currently available on the distribution of the local twist angles in actual magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) transport devices. Here we map the local $\theta$ variations in hBN encapsulated devices with relative precision better than 0.002$\deg$ and spatial resolution of a few moir$\'e$ periods. Utilizing a scanning nanoSQUID-on-tip, we attain tomographic imaging of the Landau levels in the quantum Hall state in MATBG, which provides a highly sensitive probe of the charge disorder and of the local band structure determined by the local $\theta$. We find that even state-of-the-art devices, exhibiting high-quality global MATBG features including superconductivity, display significant variations in the local $\theta$ with a span close to 0.1$\deg$. Devices may even have substantial areas where no local MATBG behavior is detected, yet still display global MATBG characteristics in transport, highlighting the importance of percolation physics. The derived $\theta$ maps reveal substantial gradients and a network of jumps. We show that the twist angle gradients generate large unscreened electric fields that drastically change the quantum Hall state by forming edge states in the bulk of the sample, and may also significantly affect the phase diagram of correlated and superconducting states. The findings call for exploration of band structure engineering utilizing twist-angle gradients and gate-tunable built-in planar electric fields for novel correlated phenomena and applications.
Electronic devices,Electronic properties and devices,Electronic properties and materials,Quantum Hall,Two-dimensional materials,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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