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Measurement of the Neutron Beam Profile of the Back-n White Neutron Facility at CSNS with a Micromegas Detector

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and...(2019)SCI 3区SCI 4区

Univ Sci & Technol China | Chinese Acad Sci | 96 Jinzhai Rd | 1 Zhongziyuan Rd | Peking Univ | China Inst Atom Energy | China Acad Engn Phys | Univ South China | Northwest Inst Nucl Technol | Beihang Univ | Xi An Jiao Tong Univ

Cited 11|Views74
The Back-n white neutron beam line, which uses back-streaming white neutrons from the spallation target of the China Spallation Neutron Source, is used for nuclear data measurements. A Micromegas-based neutron detector with two variants was specially developed to measure the beam spot distribution for this beam line. In this article, the design, fabrication, and characterization of the detector are described. The results of the detector performance tests are presented, which include the relative electron transparency, the gain and the gain uniformity, and the neutron beam profile reconstruction capability. The result of the first measurement of the Back-n neutron beam spot distribution is also presented.
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Micromegas detector,Neutron beam profile,White neutron beam,Spallation neutron source
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要点】:本文介绍了利用Micromegas探测器测量CSNS Back-n白中子束线束斑分布的创新方法,并展示了首批发光结果。


实验】:实验采用两种变体的Micromegas探测器在CSNS Back-n白中子束线进行,成功测量了束斑分布,并获得了性能测试结果。