Advanced paternal age does not affect embryo aneuploidy following blastocyst biopsy in egg donor cycles

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics(2019)

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Purpose To study the impact of advanced paternal age on embryo aneuploidy. Methods This is a multicenter international retrospective case series of couples undergoing assisted reproduction via in vitro fertilization using donor eggs to control for maternal factors and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy via next-generation sequencing at Igenomix reproductive testing centers. The main outcome measure was the prevalence of embryo aneuploidy in egg donor cycles. Semen analysis data was retrieved for a small subset of the male patients. Results Data from 1202 IVF/ICSI egg donor cycles using ejaculated sperm (total 6934 embryos) evaluated using PGT-A between January 2016 and April 2018 in a global population across all Igenomix centers were included. No significant association was identified between advancing paternal age and the prevalence of embryo aneuploidy overall and when analyzing for each chromosome. There was also no significant association between advancing paternal age and specific aneuploid conditions (monosomy, trisomy, partial deletion/duplication) for all chromosomes in the genome. Conclusions This is the largest study of its kind in an international patient population to evaluate the impact of advancing paternal age on embryo aneuploidy. We conclude there is no specific effect of paternal age on the prevalence of embryo aneuploidy in the context of embryo biopsies from egg donor cycles.
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Key words
Advanced paternal age, Advanced maternal age, Aneuploidy, In vitro fertilization, Egg donor
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