
An Investigation of Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Caused by Norovirus G II Infection in a University

Science Discovery(2019)

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Objective: To investigate an acute gastroenteritis epidemic in a university and to identify the scale, to find the possible causes of the outbreak. Methods: The field epidemiological survey method was used for information collection. Case-control and retrospective cohort study methods were used. The database was established with SPSS 25.0 and statistical analysis was performed. Results: In January 2018, an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis occurred in a university. A total of 162 cases were found and the attack rate was 8.94% (162/1813), all of whom were students. All the cases were eaten in the same student canteen. Case-control studies showed that on January 10th, lunch braised pork ribs, 10th dinner tomato scrambled eggs, and 11th dinner cakes were suspicious food. Norovirus nucleic acid was detected in the anal swab and fecal specimens of the case and canteen staff, all of which were GII type. The investigation found that there was no hand washing facility in the student canteen. The staff in the canteen did not wear masks, hats and gloves in the operation. The kitchen had no tableware disinfection cabinet, and the canteen detected 4 cases of Norovirus nucleic acid positive. Conclusions: This epidemic was an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis caused by Norovirus GII infection in a university. It is recommended to strengthen the management of food workers, strictly check the medical examination before taking up the post, strictly apply the fake sales system, and regularly check the personnel who have symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract. Purchase food cabinet disinfection cabinets, disinfect food utensils in strict accordance with the operating procedures; add hand washing facilities in the cafeteria; change the table meal method into a meal method. Conduct health education for students and develop good health habits.
acute gastroenteritis outbreak,infection
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