[Radiotherapy treatment planning of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging].

Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique(2019)

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PURPOSE:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an increasing role in radiotherapy dose planning. Indeed, MRI offers superior soft tissue contrast compared to computerized tomography (CT) and therefore could provide a better delineation of target volumes and organs at risk than CT for radiotherapy. Furthermore, an MRI-only radiotherapy workflow would suppress registration errors inherent to the registration of MRI with CT. However, the estimation of the electronic density of tissues using MRI images is still a challenging issue. The purpose of this work was to design and evaluate a pseudo-CT generation method for prostate cancer treatments. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A pseudo-CT was generated for ten prostate cancer patients using an elastic deformation based method. For each patient, dose delivered to the patient was calculated using both the planning CT and the pseudo-CT. Dose differences between CT and pseudo-CT were investigated. RESULTS:Mean dose relative difference in the planning target volume is 0.9% on average and ranges from 0.1% to 1.7%. In organs at risks, this value is 1.8%, 0.8%, 0.8% and 1% on average in the rectum, the right and left femoral heads, and the bladder respectively. CONCLUSION:The dose calculated using the pseudo-CT is very close to the dose calculated using the CT for both organs at risk and PTV. These results confirm that pseudo-CT images generated using the proposed method could be used to calculate radiotherapy treatment doses on MRI images.
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