Patterns of Immune-Cell Infiltration in Murine Models of Melanoma: Roles of Antigen and Tissue Site in Creating Inflamed Tumors.

Cancer immunology, immunotherapy/Cancer immunology and immunotherapy(2019)

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Immune-cell infiltration is associated with improved survival in melanoma. Human melanoma metastases may be grouped into immunotypes representing patterns of immune-cell infiltration: A (sparse), B (perivascular cuffing), and C (diffuse). Immunotypes have not been defined for murine melanomas, but may provide opportunities to understand mechanism-driving immunotype differences. We performed immunohistochemistry with immune-cell enumeration, immunotyping, and vascular density scoring in genetically engineered (Braf/Pten and Braf/Pten/β-catenin) and transplantable (B16-F1, B16-OVA, and B16-AAD) murine melanomas. The transplantable tumors were grown in subcutaneous (s.c.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) locations. Braf/Pten and Braf/Pten/β-catenin tumors had low immune-cell densities, defining them as Immunotype A, as did B16-F1 tumors. B16-OVA (s.c. and i.p.) and B16-AAD s.c. tumors were Immunotype B, while B16-AAD i.p. tumors were primarily Immunotype C. Interestingly, the i.p. location was characterized by higher immune-cell counts in B16-OVA tumors, with counts that trended higher for B16-F1 and B16-AAD. The i.p. location was also characterized by higher vascularity in B16-F1 and B16-AAD tumors. These findings demonstrate that spontaneously mutated neoantigens in B16 melanomas were insufficient to induce robust intratumoral immune-cell infiltrates, but instead were Immunotype A tumors. The addition of model neoantigens (OVA or AAD) to B16 enhanced infiltration, but this most often resulted in Immunotype B. We find that tumor location may be an important element in enabling Immunotype C tumors. In aggregate, these data suggest important roles both for the antigen type and for the tumor location in defining immunotypes.
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Key words
B16 melanoma,Immunotype,Vascular density,Immune-cell density
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