
Rede De Cooperação Interorganizacional De Pequenos Produtores: Uma Análise Da Confiança


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O estudo sobre as redes de cooperacao vem crescendo e deve ao surgimento da nova competicao, a emergencia das tecnologias da informacao e comunicacao, e a insercao da analise de redes como disciplina academica. Dessa forma, as redes interorganizacionais representam uma forma particular de organizacao e sao caracterizadas por relacoes de troca entre os parceiros, onde a cooperacao e um processo fundamental e a confianca e essencial. Assim, este artigo teve como principal objetivo identificar as relacoes interorganizacionais cooperativas entre a Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Esteios Ltda (COOESTEIOS) e seus principais parceiros, verificando a influencia da confianca no processo de desenvolvimento desses relacionamentos. Atraves de entrevistas semiestruturadas, analise de documentos referentes ao processo de concepcao e sustentacao desses relacionamentos e observacao espontânea, pode-se concluir que, nesta relacao, a confianca entre os atores e forte e suas relacoes sao puramente sociais, baseadas na caracteristica e etnia dos parceiros, nas quais o capital social e a relacao de coexistencia e cooperacao fortalecem a parceria, sem a necessidade de haver qualquer tipo de acordo formal. Palavras-chave: Relacoes interorganizacionais. Confianca interorganizacional. Cooperativa de pequenos produtores. Abstract Interorganizational cooperative relations: a trust analysis The study on cooperation networks has been growing and it is due to the emergence of new competition, the emergence of information and communication technologies, and the insertion of network analysis as an academic discipline. In this way, interorganizational networks represent a particular form of organization and are characterized by relations of exchange between partners, where cooperation is a fundamental process and trust is essential. Thus, this article had as main objective to identify the interorganizational cooperative relations between the Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Esteios Ltda (COOESTEIOS) and its main partners, verifying the influence of the trust in the process of development of these relationships. Through semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis regarding the process of conception and support of these relationships and spontaneous observation, it was possible to point out that, in this relationship, trust between the actors is strong and their relationships are purely social, based on the characteristics and ethnicity of the partners, where social capital and coexistence and cooperation relationships strengthen the partnership, without the need for any kind of formal agreement. Keywords: Interorganizational relations. Inteorganizational trust. Small producers cooperative.
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