
On-cartridge Preparation and Evaluation of 68Ga-, 89Zr- and 64Cu-Precursors for Cell Radiolabelling

Nuclear medicine and biology(2019)

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Introduction: Indium-111 when formulated as indium-111 oxine remains the gold standard for long term cell tracking, whereas radiometals for improved PET applications still have to be established. We here describe the on-cartridge formation of gallium-68, zirconium-89 and copper-64 complexes in small volumes suitable for cell labelling, including labelling of red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) and their biological evaluation in vivo. Methods: Small volumes (1-2 mL) of tracers (oxine, tropolone) were directly prepared on an anion exchange cartridge (Sep-Pak QMA). Cells were radiolabelled and the labelling efficiency and efflux were evaluated. The in vivo biodistribution of copper-64-labelled WBC using [Cu-64][Cu(oxinate)(2)] and [Cu-64][Cu(tropolonate)(2)] was monitored in an infection and inflammation animal model using BALB/c mice. Results: On-cartridge concentration of gallium-68, zirconium-89 and copper-64 enabled formation of oxine and tropolone tracers in small volumes with good yields (>= 50%) and quality (extraction >= 90%). Prepared tracers radiolabelled the RBC comparable to indium-111 tracers and in vivo biodistribution of copper-64 labelled WBC showed clear accumulation of cells at the site of infection and inflammation. Conclusions: This on-cartridge preparation method enables simple formation of various PET tracers for cell radiolabelling. Zirconium-89 and copper-64 tracers radiolabelled cells with sufficient stability. Due to their longer half-life this approach could be promising for routine applications where longer evaluation periods for cell tracking are needed. Advances in knowledge and implications for patient care: This novel approach for on-cartridge concentration and preparation of oxine and tropolone precursors with different positron emitters, in small volume and suitable pH, offers a versatile tool towards cell labelling for preclinical and clinical PET applications. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cell labelling,PET,Gallium-68,Copper-64,Zirconium-89,On-cartridge complex formation
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