Consommation Des Anti-Inflammatoires Non Stéroïdiens Lors De La Préparation Au Grand Raid 2016 À La Réunion

Science & sports(2019)

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Introduction. - The Ultra-trait (R) has enjoyed unlimited popularity over the past decade. During this type of race, ultra-marathon runners regularly force their bodies to exceed their physical and mental limits, which is why they sometimes use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Objective. - The aim of this study was to determine, for the first time, the prevalence, type of use and level of awareness of NSAIDs among the ultra-marathon runners training for the Grand Raid 2016 edition in Reunion Island. (167 km; 9700m ascending elevation gain). Methods. - Self -reporting, prevalence, descriptive epidemiological survey. A self-reported questionnaire concerning the use of NSAIDs and awareness of potential risks and adverse effects was sent anonymously by email to each of the ultra-marathon runners registered for one of the Ultra-trails" at the Grand Raid 2016. Results. -A total of 30.7% (n = 1142) of the 3725 registrants responded to the questionnaire. Four hundred and nine (35.8%) ultra-marathon runners reported using NSAIDs in the year prior to the race (January 1, 2015 to October 20, 2016). Among NSAID users, 31.5% (n= 129) used NSAIDs without a prescription. The main reason stated was the treatment of acute pain. The majority would rarely use NSAIDs and 73% (n = 300) would usually use them for a short period of time (< 3 consecutive days). Apart from the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, most ultra-marathon runners were unaware of the properties of NSAIDs and the risks of complications other than digestive and/or renal. Conclusion. -The prevalence rate of NSAID use is high among ultra-marathon runners, who have only limited knowledge of their properties and side effects. Self-medication is important. Education of ultra-trailers on the benefits and risks of NSAIDs should be strengthened, involving their general practionner. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
NSAIDs,Ultra-marathon,Over-The-Counter,Self-medicating,Side effects,Reunion Island
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