A Novel Method for Synchronization Parameters Automatic Extraction in Computer Electromagnetic Eavesdropping

Chinese Journal of Electronics(2019)

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Electromagnetic compromising emanations are potential threat to computer security. Computer emits energy in the form of electromagnetic wave which includes the processed information. The electromagnetic wave can be received and decoded in the distance, so the unintended information leakage occurs. In this paper, the automatic information reconstruction for computer electromagnetic eavesdropping is studied. This paper attempts to combine simple digital signal processing method for the first time to extract electromagnetic leakage information. The performance of the new method is presented numerically and experimentally. Compared with other algorithms, this method has strong practicability and reliability. Under complex electromagnetic environment, the synchronization parameters can be extracted and the information can be reconstructed automatically, quickly and reliably.
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electromagnetic compatibility,electromagnetic waves,image reconstruction,security of data,signal processing,telecommunication security,video signal processing
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