
Specific and Non-spesicific Dermatoses of Pregnancy in the Emergency Department

Easterns journal of medicine/Eastern journal of medicine(2019)

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Dermatological changes both specific to pregnancy and nonspecific to it may be observed during gestation.In this study, specific and nonspecific dermatoses of pregnancy were investigated in patients admitted with dermatologic complaints to the emergency department.This information will be useful in identifying common and important dermatoses of pregnancy that need to be recognized at the point of primary care, so that the proper initial treatment and referrals can be instituted.Pregnant patients admitted with dermatological complaints to the emergency service were enrolled in the study.We retrospectively collected clinical and laboratory findings, diagnoses, administered treatments and admission rates.Of the 4,280 pregnant patients admitted to the emergency service, 99 pregnant patients had dermatological complaints.While pregnancy-specific dermatoses were detected in 22 % of the patients, dermatoses nonspecific to the pregnancy were found in 78 % of them.Listed in descending order, specific dermatoses of pregnancy were atopic eruption of pregnancy (12%), polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (6%), intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (2%), and pemphigoid gestationis (2%).Urticaria and angioedema were the most frequently diagnosed diseases among the dermatoses nonspecific to the pregnancy.There are many dermatoses are seen in the pregnancy, while urticaria and angioedema are the most common.Atopic eruption of pregnancy and the polymorphic eruption of pregnancy are the most common specific dermatoses.It was seen that the frequency of dermatological causes was quite low among the pregnant patients applying to the emergency service.However, some of these dermatoses may necessitate early diagnosis and immediate treatment.
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