
Effect of Cavitation Hydrodynamic Parameters on Bisphenol A Removal

Hazardous Waste(2019)

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In this study, the effect of cavitation parameters on bisphenol A (BPA) removal using hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) was investigated. The geometry of orifice plate was examined and operational parameters of the process were selected. The effects of initial concentration, temperature, and pressure on the removal of BPA were investigated. It was found that the degradation efficiency rose first and then decreased with increasing temperature and pressure, as well as decreasing solution concentration. In addition, the optimum conditions were determined on the basis of orthogonal tests as follows: solution concentration 10 mg/L, pressure 0.3 MPa, treatment time 3 h, and temperature 35 degrees C, the removal rate of BPA was 27.58% under the optimum conditions. The geometry of orifice plate (alpha, beta, and arrangement) was found to be an important factor in getting the maximum cavitational effect using HC. The result shows that under the same operating conditions, the influence of beta on the removal rate of BPA is caused by the different pore diameter and pore number of the porous plate. The system with orifice intersect layout can produce more uniform cavitation cloud and has better treatment effect than that with radial layout. This study suggests that the removal rate of BPA by HC is influenced by a variety of factors, and high BPA removal rate could be achieved under appropriate conditions.
advanced oxidation,bisphenol A,hydrodynamic cavitation,multiple hole orifice plate,water treatment
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