
Adaptive Path Tracing with Programmable Bloom Filters in Software-Defined Networks.

IEEE Conference on Computer Communications(2019)

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One critical challenge of managing modern data center networks lies in that existing network protocols provide limited visibility on the internal routing and forwarding decisions made by the control plane, leading to difficulties on fast diagnosis and identification of root causes for performance bugs and anomalies. In this paper, we develop and evaluate a “debugging mode” for packet forwarding, where we demonstrate a possible design space by introducing a programmable header field into data packets used for diagnosis purposes. These headers can be manipulated by routers in intermediate hops to perform tracing and diagnosis operations, thereby providing much greater visibility on the control plane and data plane operations. To make this design scalable and feasible, we exploit the software APIs provided by the latest software-defined networking (SDN) technologies, where the network control plane is separated from the underlying data plane, so that we can reprogram the network forwarding functions dynamically. Compared to existing alternative approaches, our approach is adaptive and programmable, allowing dynamic and on-demand receiver-side decoding with extremely low overhead. We emphasize that as this “debugging mode” can be enabled and disabled by network managers as demanded, it introduces zero overhead to normal traffic if everything is operating as expected. Our evaluation results on a real SDN network testbed demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
Network topology,Lenses,Debugging,Data centers,Routing,Switches
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