Lost Colours: Photogrammetry, Image Analysis Using the DStretch Plugin, and 3-D Modelling of Post-Firing Painted Pottery from the South West Iberian Peninsula

Digital applications in archaeology and cultural heritage(2019)

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The main purpose of this project was to verify the use of the DStretch plugin, designed to study rock art, for analysing post-firing painted pottery from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Atlantic façade of the Iberian Peninsula. To do so, a Guadalquivir-type carinated pot was used as a study vessel from the excavations of Portaceli (Medellín, Badajoz, Spain). The study brought together all of the different methods used, from the photogrammetry used to obtain a high-quality image of the piece, analysis with DStretch, and the final 3-D modelling process in order to accurately reproduce the shape and decoration of the vessel. The final goal was to obtain precise documentation on these types of vessels, the handling of which is not recommended due to the fragile nature of the pigments used in their decoration.
Bronze age,Iron age,RGB images,Photogrammetry,DStretch,Pottery
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