
Salmonella in Sausage, Frankfurter and Meat Sausage, Not Only in Raw or Undercooked but Also Found in Smoked and Cooked Ones: An Alert for Public Health and Travelerʼs Health Problem, Including Aerospace Medicine?: 2664

Cintia Y. Morioka, Luiz G.P. Oliveira,Rene Crepaldi Filho, Nixon A. Pereira, Joelmir L.V. Silva, Alfredo F. Menquini, Alexandre A.B. Sandoval, Marcelo E. Garcia,Edgard M.R. Lima,Gustavo Borges,Jose Pinhata Otoch,Marcel C.C. Machado

The American Journal of Gastroenterology(2017)

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Introduction:Salmonella sp is one of the most common causes of food poisoning responsible for hospitalizations and deaths worldwide.This is related to bad hygiene and poor basic sanitary conditions. It is more prevalent in underdeveloped countries.The consumption of contaminated food is the major factor that predisposes the disease,including the ingestion of raw meat.Some authors reported the presence of Salmonella sp in the intestinal tract of poultry and pigs used in the production of sausages. Usually,food poisoning with this bacteria is due to raw or under-cooked food.However,it can be found in meat sausage,which goes through cooking or smoking at high temperatures. Our aim was to analyze the presence of Salmonella sp in sausage and meat sausage. Methods: A retrospective study was done in the following databases:PubMed, SciELO, Bireme, BMJ using as keywords “Salmonella sp”, “sausages”,“frankfurter”, “pork sausages”, “meat sausage” between years of 2006 and 2016. Results: Some Brazilian authors analyzed samples of homemade sausages,and industrial ones including, of poultry,swine,smoked chorizo,goats and fish. The presence of Salmonella sp was detected in all samples with the exception of goat chorizo and tilapia sausage.Although raw meat favors the growth of pathogenic microorganisms,much of the contamination of the product is due to inappropriate manipulation,lack of hygiene,use of contaminated water in the manufacture,inadequate packaging,storage at inappropriate temperatures and undue consumption.This explains the health authorities' concerns about transportation,feeding on board of aircraft and entry permission into foreign territories.Regarding transportation,refrigerated trucks and packages are necessary.Food poisoning on board can occur in all air crew as well as passengers.It can present severe cases of diarrhea,nauseas and vomiting,bringing about dehydration.Moreover,toillets number are limited. Passengers can get off bringing an infectious acute diarrhea.Minister of Agriculture has strict rules because of bacteria contamination in food. Conclusion: Although,there is a great probability of the presence of Salmonella sp in meat sausages and homemade frankfurter,any failure in the production axis of the food until final consumption,including transportation may predispose the contamination to the pathogens.Therefore, it can be a public health problem and/or Traveller's Health problem,including Aerospace Medicine.
salmonella,meat sausage,undercooked,aerospace medicine
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