Self-consistent Simulation of Transport and Turbulence in Tokamak Edge Plasma by Coupling SOLPS-ITER and BOUT++

Physics of plasmas(2019)

引用 11|浏览30
The status of coupling the fluid plasma/neutral 2D transport code SOLPS-ITER and the fluid 3D turbulence code BOUT++ is reported. Both codes simulated the same region, which is from several cm inside the magnetic separatrix to the far scrape-off layer (SOL). Compared to the profile evolution time scale, the characteristic time scale of the turbulence is quite short. For the turbulence code BOUT++, the time scale is around 10−6 s. However, for the transport code SOLPS-ITER, the time scale is around 10−3–10−2 s. An iterative scheme is used that each system is evolved on its own characteristic time scale. SOLPS-ITER can provide the background profiles of density, ion, and electron temperature to BOUT++. In turn, BOUT++ can provide the corresponding radial transport coefficients to SOLPS-ITER. The coupling has involved the ion density, ion temperature, and electron temperature. After several steps of iteration, the profiles of density, ion, and electron temperature show fluctuations, and the differences of the changes between two consecutive profiles are getting smaller and smaller. Finally, the self-consistent solutions of turbulence and transport can be obtained.
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