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Status of the GlueX DIRC

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2020)

Cited 4|Views77
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This year we start assembling the DIRC detector to upgrade the particle identification capabilities in the forward region of the GlueX detector in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. The main components of the GlueX DIRC are the four bar boxes (reused from the decommissioned BaBar DIRC) and two photon cameras, which were designed based on the prototype for the SuperB FDIRC. The delicate bar boxes have already arrived at JLab from SLAC, where they have been stored for the last ten years. They will be attached to the newly built photon cameras and installed in Hall D already for the 2019 spring run. We present the status of the GlueX DIRC project including the ongoing R&D and the plan for the future.
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Particle identification,Cherenkov counter,Ring imaging,DIRC
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