
64 Management of the medical physics students in internship: Feedback of Centre Eugène Marquis (Regional Cancer Center of Rennes/France)

Physica Medica(2018)

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Introduction The Regional Cancer Center of Rennes (Centre Eugene Marquis, CEM) is one of 31 French institutions hosting students preparing the final diploma of medical physicist (DQPRM) for 22-month internship in the three area of medical physics: radiotherapy (RT), nuclear medicine (NM) and radiology (RX). The CEM is accredited by the National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN) to train two students in the first year and two students in the second year. The objective is to share the feedback from the CEM on the management of students during these 22 months of internship. Methods During the first week of the internship, a meeting of the entire physics team is organized to introduce the DQPRM students to all the members of the team, to plan the weeks dedicated to each field and to define the reference physicist for each activity to be acquired. During this meeting the general organization of the team and the specific organization for the DQPRM students are presented. The scientific work of the second year is defined among the list of projects of the team in dialogue between the student and the referent physicist of the training center. The study is managed by a senior physicist specialized in the area of the work. Some parts of the document presenting the functional schedule of the team are dedicated to the DQPRM students to reveal clearly their participation in the clinical activities. The students are invited to all meetings in which the medical physicists participate. A bi-monthly point of 30 min is organized between the students and the referent physicist of the training center. Results During the first month, the students have to define with the referent physicist for every activity the annual organization to acquire the expected skills. Regarding to functional schedule of 2017, the students of 1st year spent 49% of days in RT, 20% in NM and 10 in RX. These percentage were 51%, 16% and 11% respectively for the students of 2nd year. A delegation of some functional tasks are possible after validation of specific skills base. Depending of the subject of the scientific work performed during 2nd year of training, writing of the report is encouraged in English in order to facilitate the submission in an international journal. Conclusions Concurrently to the acquisition of basic skills of the medical physicist, the objective of the 22 months of internship is to transform the DQPRM students in a young professional in a progressive and supervised way by teaching them the teamwork, the empowerment and time management thanks to clinical activities and projects.
medical physics students,internship,regional cancer center
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