
P-T Conditions, Mechanism And Timing Of The Localized Melting Of Metapelites From The Petronella Shear Zone And Relationships With Granite Intrusions In The Southern Marginal Zone Of The Limpopo Belt, South Africa


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Evidence is presented for the localized melting of cordierite-orthopyroxene-biotite metapelites within the Petronella shear zone in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt of Southern Africa. This process is expressed by the formation of centimetre-scale, K-feldspar-rich, garnet-orthopyroxene-bearing leucosome patches. Structural data indicate that the leucosomes formed after regional peak metamorphic and deformational events, but were syn-to late tectonic with respect to the shear fabric of the host metapelites. Phase equilibria modelling using the PERPLE_X software shows that the leucosomes were produced via fluid-deficient partial melting of the metapelites at temperatures above 900 degrees C and pressures of 6.0-6.5 kbar. Melting reactions involving mainly biotite, plagioclase, quartz and accessory phases (including sulfides) produced peritectic Cr-enriched orthopyroxene, as well as Sc, Y, Cr, P-enriched garnet along with the potassium-rich melt. The melt was segregated around the peritectic minerals into the leucosomes. During near-isobaric cooling, the segregated melts crystallized to produce abundant K-feldspar and Sc, Y, Cr and P-poorer garnet inside the leucosome patches. Partial melt loss from the patches on cooling assisted with the preservation of anhydrous assemblages inside the patches and with re-hydration of the surrounding melanosome, with extensive formation of biotite + quartz +/- sillimanite assemblages after orthopyroxene and cordierite, as well as late Sc, Y, Cr, and P-free garnet (+sillimanite + quartz) at temperatures down to < 600 degrees C. Field and P-T data suggest a link between the localized melting of metapelites and trondhjemite intrusions that were syn-to late-tectonically injected into the Petronella shear-zone at about 2.67 Ga after the peak metamorphic and deformational event in the Southern Marginal Zone. This link is proven by U-Pb ages for monazites (a weighted average Pb-207/U-235 age of 2666 +/- 4 Ma) from the leucosome patches. The trondhjemites provided additional heat and, probably, also a small amount of fluids, for the leucosome formation.
granulites,partial melting,phase equilibria,P-T conditions,trace elements in minerals,Pb-U dating,trondhjemite
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