The dust and [CII] morphologies of redshift 4.5 sub-millimeter galaxies at 200pc resolution: The absence of large clumps in the interstellar medium of high-redshift galaxiesB. Gullberg,A. M. Swinbank,I. Smail,A. D. Biggs,F. Bertoldi,C. De Breuck,S. C. Chapman,C. -C. Chen,E. A. Cooke,K. E. K. Coppin,P. Cox,H. Dannerbauer,J. S. Dunlop,A. C. Edge,D. Farrah,J. E. Geach,T. R. Greve,J. Hodge,E. Ibar,R. J. Ivison,A. Karim,E. Schinnerer,D. Scott,J. M. Simpson,S. M. Stach,A. P. Thomson,P. van der Werf,F. Walter,J. L. Wardlow,A. WeissASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL(2018)引用 85|浏览116暂无评分关键词galaxies: evolution,galaxies: ISM,submillimeter: galaxiesAI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要