Corrigendum to “Quantitative approximation to large-seeded wild fruit use in a late Neolithic lake dwelling: new results from the case study of layer 13 of Parkhaus Opéra in Zürich (Central Switzerland)” [Quat. Int. 404 (2016) 56–68]

Quaternary International(2017)

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Some values mentioned in this paragraph were wrong. The correct values are presented below. A first estimation allowed the proposal that they probably provided at least between 12.5% and 15% of the total calorific input of the settlement inhabitants. 3.4. Extrapolation of the number of edible fruit items per house Some values mentioned in this paragraph were wrong. The correct values are presented below. All houses but seven yielded more than 1,000,000 fruit items (Table 5). Six of these seven houses with a lower amount of fruit remains were among the incompletely excavated houses. Therefore, all the completely excavated houses but one (house 309) yielded between 1,300,000 and 2,990,000 fruit items. 3.6. Calorific contribution of the large-seeded wild fruits to the diet. Some values mentioned in this paragraph were wrong. The correct values are presented below. The possible calorific contribution from the most important large-seeded wild fruits was dominated by the most abundant fruits: hazelnuts (307,778 fruits per year and 37.6% of the calories), acorns (125,801 fruits per year and 33% of calories) and apples/pears (82,813 fruits per year and 24% of the total amount of calories). Sloe fruits provided 3.2% of the calories. 4.3. Important large-seeded wild plants at the site of Parkhaus Opera: their role in the diet and the economy at the site: new data and interpretative limitations Some values mentioned in this paragraph were wrong. The correct values are presented below. Under these parameters, large-seeded wild fruits would be at least ca. 12.5% of the total calorific input in average (Table 7). It must be kept in mind that samples from outside of house limits (n: 47, ca. 18% of the total) were not included in the calculations, which means that this percentage could be a bit higher (maybe around 15%). Further references to the minimum calorific input represented by large-seeded fruits at the settlement should be 12.5% instead of 1.5%. [GRAPHICS] .
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