Dijet Angular Distributions Fromp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

F. Abe,D. Amidei,G. Apollinari,G. Ascoli,M. Atac,P. Auchincloss,A. R. Baden,A. Barbaro-Galtieri,V. E. Barnes,F. Bedeschi,S. Behrends,S. Belforte,G. Bellettini,J. Bellinger,J. Bensinger,A. Beretvas,P. Berge,S. Bertolucci,S. Bhadra,M. Binkley,R. Blair,C. Blocker,J. Bofill,A. W. Booth,G. Brandenburg,D. Brown, A. Byon,K. L. Byrum,M. Campbell,R. Carey, W. Carithers,D. Carlsmith,J. T. Carroll,R. Cashmore,F. Cervelli,K. Chadwick,T. Chapin,G. Chiarelli,W. Chinowsky,S. Cihangir,D. Cline,D. Connor,M. Contreras,J. Cooper,M. Cordelli,M. Curatolo,C. Day,R. DelFabbro,M. Dell’Orso,L. DeMortier,T. Devlin,D. DiBitonto,R. Diebold,F. Dittus,A. DiVirgilio,J. E. Elias,R. Ely,S. Errede, S. Esposito,B. Flaugher,E. Focardi,G. W. Foster,M. Franklin,J. Freeman,H. Frisch,Y. Fukui,A. F. Garfinkel,P. Giannetti,N. Giokaris, P. Giromini,L. Gladney,M. Gold,K. Goulianos,C. Grosso-Pilcher,C. Haber,S. R. Hahn,R. Handler,R. M. Harris,J. Hauser,T. Hessing,R. Hollebeek,P. Hu,B. Hubbard,P. Hurst,J. Huth,H. Jensen,R. P. Johnson,U. Joshi,R. W. Kadel,T. Kamon,S. Kanda,D. A. Kardelis,I. Karliner,E. Kearns,R. Kephart,P. Kesten, H. Keutelian, S. Kim,L. Kirsch,K. Kondo,U. Kruse,S. E. Kuhlmann,A. T. Laasanen,W. Li,T. Liss,N. Lockyer,F. Marchetto,R. Markeloff,L. A. Markosky,P. McIntyre, A. Menzione,T. Meyer,S. Mikamo, M. Mil-,T. Mimashi,S. Miscetti,M. Mishina,S. Miyashita,N. Mondal,S. Mori, Y. Morita,A. Mukherjee, C. Newman-Holmes,L. Nodulman,R. Paoletti,A. Para,J. Patrick,T. J. Phillips,H. Piekarz,R. Plunkett,L. Pondrom,J. Proudfoot,G. Punzi,D. Quarrie,K. Ragan,G. Redlinger,J. Rhoades,F. Rimondi, L. Ristori,T. Rohaly,A. Roodman, A. Sansoni,R. Sard,V. Scarpine,P. Schlabach,E. E. Schmidt,P. Schoessow,M. H. Schub,R. Schwitters,A. Scribano,S. Segler,M. Sekiguchi,P. Sestini, M. Shapiro,M. Sheaff,M. Shibata,M. Shochet, J. Siegrist,P. Sinervo,J. Skarha,D. A. Smith,F. D. Snider,R. St. Denis,A. Stefanini,Y. Takaiwa,K. Takikawa,S. Tarem,D. Theriot,A. Tollestrup,G. Tonelli,Y. Tsay,F. Ukegawa,D. Underwood,R. Vidal,R. G. Wagner,R. L. Wagner,J. Walsh,T. Watts,R. Webb,T. Westhusing,S. White,A. Wicklund,H. H. Williams,T. Yamanouchi,A. Yamashita,K. Yasuoka,G. P. Yeh,J. Yoh,F. Zetti

Physical review letters(1989)

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We have measured dijet angular distributions at \ensuremath{\surd}s =1.8 TeV with the Collider Detector at Fermilab and the Tevatron p\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}p Collider and find agreement with leading-order QCD. By comparing the distribution for the highest dijet invariant masses with the prediction of a model of quark compositeness, we set a lower limit on the associated scale parameter ${\ensuremath{\Lambda}}_{c}$ at 330 GeV (95% C.L.).
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