
Beyond Magnamosis: A Method to Test Sutureless Esophageal Anastomotic Devices in Living Swine by Creating an Esophageal Bypass Loop for Natural Oral Nutrition.

Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques Part A/Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques(2019)

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Introduction: Thoracoscopic esophageal atresia repair has become increasingly popular, but is still limited to a few expert centers and has some challenges and shortcomings. One of them has a longer operation time compared with conventional thoracotomy. Magnetic compression anastomosis may contribute toward shorter operation times by avoiding the time-consuming anastomotic suturing. We aimed to establish a method of testing sutureless anastomoses in parallel to having swine eating the natural way. Materials and Methods: We used four juvenile Pietrain swine-aged 8 weeks, weighing 15 kg-to establish a living animal model after preceding cadaver tests. Esophagi were fully mobilized through right-sided thoracotomy to gain sufficient length to create an esophageal loop that served as a bypass for food after magnet deployment. Six hours later, patency of the bypass esophageal loop was assessed by passing an orogastric tube and by allowing swine to drink methylene blue-stained water. We also tested the device stability using the classical burst pressure test. Results: The esophageal lumen was patent for feeding tube. Swine were able to drink and methylene blue colored fluid reached the stomach. Clinical signs of obstruction such as regurgitation or coughing were absent. Magnets sustained burst pressures up to 200,000 Pascal until they became disrupted. At 6 hours after magnet placing, we already saw subtle esophageal mucosa erosions indicating the beginning of anastomotic formation. Conclusion: This animal model is useful to test different magnet designs for sutureless esophageal anastomosis or even future devices for in vivo tissue engineering.
esophageal surgery,magnamosis,porcine model,device testing
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