Stabilization of the Max Homodimer with a Small Molecule Attenuates Myc-Driven Transcription.
Nicholas B Struntz, Andrew Chen,Anja Deutzmann, Robert M Wilson,Eric Stefan,Helen L Evans,Maricela A Ramirez,Tong Liang,Francisco Caballero,Mattheus H E Wildschut,Dylan V Neel,David B Freeman,Marius S Pop,Marie McConkey,Sandrine Muller,Brice H Curtin, Hanna Tseng, Kristen R Frombach,Vincent L Butty,Stuart S Levine, Clementine Feau,Sarah Elmiligy,Jiyoung A Hong,Timothy A Lewis,Amedeo Vetere,Paul A Clemons,Scott E Malstrom,Benjamin L Ebert,Charles Y Lin,Dean W Felsher,Angela N Koehler Cell chemical biology(2019)
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